Choosing the size of new breast implants is a life-changing decision, and there’s more to ponder than just cup size. Indeed, size matters! But the shape and feel of your implant are also crucial qualities to consider. There’s a wide range of choices out there, and one of them is going to be just right for you. For some women, less is more. For others, the world is not enough!
Perhaps it’s your first time getting a breast augmentation, or you’re looking for something a little different this time around. If you’ve had to undergo the heartbreak of a mastectomy, this is your chance to get back to your old self and improve on what mother nature gave you.
Breast implants today let you customize your new bustline, so it’s important to know what choices you have, and what decisions will make you thrilled with your results. Factor in shape, size, feel, your lifestyle, your body, and your dreams!
Dr Riccardo Frati has sculpted gorgeous breasts for A list celebrities, and for everyday gals who always felt like there was something missing. Harley Surgery can help you select the breast implants that will deliver exactly what your heart desires. Contact the London, Birmingham, Highgate, or Manchester surgeries today to schedule a personal consultation and get started.
Before and After Photos
It’s What’s Inside that Counts
Dr Frati demands the best for his patients and Harley Surgery uses only the highest-grade materials available. When it comes to breast implants, the choice is clear: Mentor Breast Implants. Mentor has been the global leader in breast aesthetics for over 30 years and is committed to high-quality, science-based breast implants. Mentor’s high standards of design, testing and safety have ensured its products MHRA and FDA approval, and Mentor guarantees the integrity of each of its products. (1)
Mentor implants give you plenty to choose from. Mentor’s lines of MemoryGel, MemoryShape, and saline-filled breast implants are loved for their natural look and feel. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, projections and materials.
Making Shapes

So where to start? You probably already have an idea of what you want your ideal breasts to look like. If you’re in the market for a big boost and curvaceous cleavage, you’ll be happy with round-shaped implants. If you’re after a more natural look, Mentor makes teardrop-shaped breast implants that range from subtle to luscious. Depending on what suits you, you’ll still need to consider three important factors when choosing your specific implant models.
Projection is the distance between the flat side of the implant that lays against your chest, and the part of the curve that extends furthest the front of the implant, ideally where the nipple would be. “High profile” implants are hard to miss – and extend further from the chest, while “low profile” implants offer less projection.
Where the fullest part of the implant lies depends on the shape of the implant. Mentor’s Memory Gel implants are round-shaped and offer more fullness higher on the chest. Mentor also offers teardrop-shaped MemoryShape implants, which have a more gradual increase in volume from top to bottom, and also come in a range of projections.
How do you feel? Firmness determines how the breast implant feels to the touch, and moves with your body. Mentor’s MemoryGel and MemoryShape implants are filled with a silicone gel, which has a feel similar to natural breast tissue. Saline implants deliver the firmest feel. These implants are filled with a non-toxic, sterile saltwater solution.
How Big is Big?
Don’t go bust! When you’re deciding what size implants are right for you, know what you’re working with. You’ll want your breast implants to accentuate your assets in the best way possible. Your individual anatomy will determine what sizes work best for you. For example, women with wider shoulders and hips will need larger implants.(2) Dr Frati will work with your measurements and consider your breast goals to help recommend the right size for you. He’ll help you make a decision based on the measurements of your torso, the dimensions of your natural breasts, and where they sit on your chest.
You’ll also need to consider your current breast volume and the looseness of your skin. You’ll need enough tissue to cover the implant you want without causing unsightly stretching or rippling in the skin.
Live Your Breast Life
Make sure to mull over your lifestyle. Are you a glamour girl that loves low-cut dresses? If you prefer the buttoned-up look, you may find that larger implants get in the way of wearing tailored shirts and blazers. If you’re sporty, you’ll want to make sure that your implants don’t interfere with your workout of choice.
Planning on a family? Breasts change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so you may want to wait until after you’re a mum to ensure that you get to keep enjoying your results.
Where do you see yourself in several years? While breast implants aren’t permanent, they’ll most likely be with you for the next decade. Older women should keep in mind that the weight of larger breast implants can contribute to increased sagging over time.
Sexy CC’s
No, not the cup size – cubic centimetres!
Breast implants sizes are in cubic centimetres (cc), which refers to the total volume of the breast implant. This is tricky since breast size is usually gauged by bra cup size. However, your lingerie is not a scientific unit of measurement! You’ve probably noticed that cup sizes vary when trying on different brands of bras.

Luckily, some scientists decided to take this matter in their own hands (poor guys). A scientific study examined three brands of bras, five cup sizes, and 79 patients that had undergone breast augmentation. The results? Smaller women need 130 ccs and less petite patients 150 ccs to increase one cup size. (3)
Mentor breast implants start around 100 ccs and increase in 25 cc increments, so you’ll be able to get implants just the right size. Dr Frati is here to help. Bring your favourite bra with you to your consultation. Dr Frati has display models of breast implants that you can slip into your bra to see what size suits you.
Implant Incisions
The size and type of your breast implants will also affect the incision technique that Dr Frati uses to insert your implants. All three incisions are small, neat, and placed in locations that will be difficult to spot.
- Periareolar incisions are made on the lower border of the areola. The natural colour of the areola hides the incision.
- Axillary incisions are concealed in the armpit.
- Inframammary fold incisions are performed in the crease formed underneath the breast.
Dr Frati is known for his advancements in incision and suture technique, as well as for procedures with minimal recovery time. Stay abreast of all the latest innovations and procedures on the Harley Surgery blog.
The breast augmentation process doesn’t end after your surgery and recovery.
Breast implants take a few months to “settle in ” before you’ll see your final and fabulous results. At first, your new implants may seem unusually high and tight, and possibly even smaller than you expected, because your skin and muscle tissue will compress the new implant. But, over time, these tight areas adapt and relax in response to the weight and volume of your new breast. When that happens, your breast implants “drop and fluff,” and you can enjoy your final results.
Don’t Go Bust
Making a carefully thought out decision about the size of your breast implants can ensure that you’re happy with your results. Proper planning and the expertise at Harley Surgery will let you avoid some of the heartbreaking and painful complications that can arise from ill-advised breast augmentations. Your personal consultation is a crucial step in the process of achieving your aesthetic goals. Dr Frati will be attentive and helpful from this first step to your final follow-up. Each of his patients receives an individualized treatment plan, so the cost of procedures at Harley Surgery vary. During your consultation, Dr Frati will be able to provide an accurate estimate for the cost of your breast augmentation.
- Mentor. Breast Implants by Mentor | Augmentation & Reconstruction. Breast Implants by MENTOR. Accessed February 10, 2021.
- Coombs DM, Grover R, Prassinos A, Gurunluoglu R. Breast augmentation surgery: Clinical considerations. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2019;86(2):111-122. doi:10.3949/ccjm.86a.18017
- King, N., Lovric, V., Parr, W. C., Walsh, W. R., & Moradi, P. (2017). What Is the Standard Volume to Increase a Cup Size for Breast Augmentation Surgery? A Novel Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Approach. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 139(5), 1084-1089. doi:10.1097/prs.0000000000003247