Questions To Ask Yourself Before Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a big undertaking and a decision to go under the knife shouldn’t be taken lightly. At Riccardo Frati Cosmetic Surgery we pride ourselves on providing an exceptional service. Not only do we deliver cutting edge procedures performed by a highly qualified and experienced surgeon, we also provide second-to-none patient care from the initial consultation to our after-care package.

If you’re considering cosmetic surgery we recommend you ask yourself the following questions.

What Are You Looking To Achieve?

What are you looking to achieve through your surgery? During your initial consultation Dr Frati and the team will go through your goals and expectations. We will make sure that you are comfortable with the options presented and that your specific goals are understood. Dr Frati strives for natural-looking results with subtle enhancements, rather than a ‘done’ look.

Are Your Expectations Realistic?

If your self-esteem and all of your self-worth rest on external aesthetics and you are relying on surgery to change every aspect of your life, then you may not be the best candidate for cosmetic surgery. Though our procedures provide countless benefits and bring about positive and beautiful changes, it is important that your expectations are realistic.

Have You Considered Alternatives?

Have you considered viable alternatives such as changes to diet and exercise? Cosmetic surgery should never be a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. However, sometimes there are areas that lifestyle cannot change due to the aging process or your genetic makeup etc. In these cases surgery or cosmetic procedures may offer valuable benefits.

Have You Done Your Homework?

Have you researched all of the possibilities carefully? This includes researching plastic surgeons and their work. Consider surgeon qualifications, skills, areas of expertise and perhaps most importantly, have you seen examples of their work and obtained testimonials? Carrying out thorough research will help you to make an informed decision.

Do You Have Any Queries Or Concerns?

After carrying out your research do you still have doubts? Are there areas that are troubling you? If so, it is important that you have the opportunity to discuss your concerns before making your final decision. Dr Frati offers relaxed and friendly consultations where you have the option to ask questions and voice any concerns that you may have.

Do You Have The Time?

Though procedures are becoming more sophisticated and recovery times are decreasing, it is important to factor in some time to recover from your surgery. Depending on the complexity of the procedure you may need time to rest. Our team will go through this with you prior to the surgery, to ensure you know what to expect and are completely comfortable with the procedure.

Though we perform hundreds of surgeries each month, we recognise that each procedure is a unique and personal experience. We want to ensure that you fully understand the process, that your goals and expectations are realistic and that you are 100% comfortable. Our team will be with you each step of the way, from the initial consultation to post-surgery.

For further details or to discuss your queries in more detail please contact us on 0203 633 2619 or at [email protected].

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