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Tummy Tuck: What Does It Involve?

A tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure to remove excess fatty and skin tissue from the abdominal area.

There are two main types of procedures. A full tummy tuck requires a long incision across the abdomen to remove excess tissue. Muscles are retightened and the belly button is repositioned. In some cases stretch marks can be removed or reduced.

A partial or mini tummy tuck is a less invasive procedure. This procedure is suited to men and women who have small amounts of tissue to remove. The incision is therefore much smaller. There is no tightening of the muscles and no belly button repositioning.

Tummy tucks are sometimes combined with liposuction for the best results.

Why is it Requested?

Tummy tucks are requested by men and women. However, more women undergo the surgery. Many factors can lead to excess skin in the abdominal area, including multiple pregnancies, weight loss (especially rapid weight loss) and the natural ageing process. Tummy tucks are often requested as part of the so-called ‘Mommy Makeover’ package.

In recent years the abdomen has featured widely in the media and we have seen an increasing trend towards a flat and toned stomach. For some people, this cannot be achieved by diet and exercise alone. In some instances the excess tissue can be the cause of much distress and can lead to low self-confidence.

What is Involved?

A tummy tuck is a major operation and involves a general anesthetic. Operation times vary but in some cases, patients may be required to stay in hospital for a couple of days.

What is the Recovery Time?

After the surgery you will be required to wear a support garment for at least six weeks. This will need to be worn night and day. For a period of seven to fourteen days you will be advised to walk slightly bent at the hips. This avoids placing pressure on the scars.

Only until after the wound has completely healed over can you fully bathe properly.

Swelling and bruising will occur after the surgery. Most of the bruising will subside after the three-week mark. However, you may experience swelling for as long as four months.

Pain or discomfort following the surgery can be managed by pain killers. These will be prescribed by the surgeon. You will also be prescribed antibiotics.

You will not be able to drive for one to two weeks, unless advised otherwise.

Regular activity such as house work can gradually build up after two weeks, but full exercising can be started again around 6 weeks post-op.

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If you are thinking of undergoing a tummy tuck, contact us on 0203 633 2619 or at to arrange a consultation.