What’s the Difference Between a Deep Plane Facelift and a Traditional Facelift?

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing visible signs of ageing in the face and neck. This procedure has many different variations, including the deep plane facelift, a specialised type of lift designed to target deeper tissue, further rejuvenating the face and restoring a more youthful appearance. When researching different types of procedures, many patients may be left wondering what distinguishes a deep-plane facelift from a traditional facelift. At Harley Surgery, we understand the value of precise and attentive cosmetic care.

Our premier surgeon, Dr Riccardo Frati, helps each patient decide the most effective facelift procedure to help them achieve long-lasting results. Dr Frati is an internationally renowned cosmetic surgeon dedicated to helping patients enhance their inner beauty. Dr Frati has trained under the top master surgeons around the world and has been featured as a guest speaker across multiple national and international conferences in cities including London, Rio de Janeiro, New York City, and more.

To learn more about whether a deep plane facelift or traditional facelift is best for you, please schedule a consultation by calling our London office at +44 20 3633 2619, our Manchester office at +44 16 1327 2139, or contact us online.

About Traditional Facelifts vs. Deep Plane Facelifts

A facelift is a surgical procedure that is designed to help address signs of ageing that can affect various parts of the face. As individuals age, their skin slowly loses its elasticity, causing various parts of the face to sag and droop, such as the jaw, cheeks, jowls, and even the neck. In addition, external factors such as sun damage or exposure, genetics, and lifestyle choices can also impact the laxity of one’s skin. These effects can cause patients to be perceived as older than their actual age and diminish their self-esteem and confidence.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift is a specific variation of facelift designed to help address the middle and lower parts of the face, in addition to deeper layers of the skin. The traditional facelift only adjusts the top layer of skin and the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), or the layer of tissue connecting the muscle to the facial and neck skin. (1) To achieve a deeper level of youthful rejuvenation, the deep plane facelift will not only adjust those layers but also the deeper layers of muscle and tissue, as well as various facial ligaments, achieving a more significant level of revitalisation. (2)

Benefits of Both Traditional and Deep Plane Facelifts

There are many benefits to receiving either a traditional or deep plane facelift, with both procedures sharing many of these transformative effects while still maintaining their own unique results.

Both variations of the facelift procedure can help enhance each patient’s facial aesthetics, tightening the skin and enhancing their natural contours. Patients experiencing deep wrinkles and folds can help reduce any visible signs of ageing while also sharpening the definition of the jawline and eliminating sagging jowls. Both variations of the facelift can also be easily combined with and complemented by other procedures to achieve a deeper level of facial rejuvenation.

Patients interested in a less invasive treatment, shorter recovery time, and shorter procedure duration may benefit more from a traditional facelift alongside those with milder or less visible signs of ageing. However, a deep plane facelift may offer more comprehensive results as this variation also repositions deeper, underlying facial tissue. The results of a deep plane facelift can also be seen for a longer period of time, several years longer on average compared to its counterpart.

Ideal Candidates

While both the facelift and deep plane facelift address visible signs of ageing, candidacy for both procedures may vary.

Traditional facelift candidates are those ideally looking to correct and reduce facial sagging and skin laxity, primarily in the lower face or along the jaw. Candidates are ideally interested in significant results without an extensive recovery time or lengthy procedure. Those interested in a traditional facelift are also only looking to correct mild to moderate signs of ageing and have good overall skin elasticity. (1)

We recommend that you receive a deep plane facelift if you are currently experiencing deeper nasolabial folds, significant skin laxity, and more glaring signs of ageing. Those interested in a deep plane facelift are also interested in longer-lasting, more comprehensive results and do not mind longer downtime or more extensive recovery. (2)

Personal Consultation

Each candidate interested in a facelift is asked to schedule a personal consultation at Harley Plastic Surgery. At the consultation, Dr Frati will meet with each individual to learn more about their areas of concern, ideal treatment goals, and medical history. A medical examination is then performed on the treatment area before a recommendation for either a deep plane or traditional facelift can be made. After establishing each patient’s treatment plan, Dr Frati will prepare preoperative and postoperative instructions for each patient along with a written quote for the procedure. To learn more about the other procedures that may be combined with a facelift, please read Dr Frati’s blog!

To schedule your personal consultation with Dr Frati, please call our London office at +44 20 3633 2619, our Manchester office at +44 16 1327 2139, or contact us online.

Is There a Difference in Preparation?

Before each procedure, Dr Frati provides each patient with a personalised set of preoperative instructions. For the most optimal results and smoothest recovery, anyone undergoing either variation of facelift should ensure they follow all directions given by Dr Frati or another member of our team. While individual instruction may vary slightly depending on each patient’s treatment plan, patients should prepare for both the traditional facelift and deep plane facelift in the same manner.

Time away from work and other social commitments should be pre-arranged so that patients can focus on resting. In addition, transportation to and from the procedure should also be pre-arranged as patients will be unable to drive themselves home.

Sun damage can negatively impact recovery, making it imperative for patients to avoid ultraviolet light exposure. Please refrain from the use of tanning beds and please make sure that the proper sun protection is being used daily when going outside. Medications and supplements with blood-thinning properties should be avoided, and any prescription medications should be filled before the procedure. If applicable, please cease smoking at least one month before the procedure, as nicotine and tobacco can impact recovery.

Differences in Procedure

Before the start of each procedure, each patient’s skin will be cleansed, and Dr Frati’s anaesthetist will place each patient under either general anaesthesia or IV sedation depending on the variation of facelift. Dr Frati will make a series of small incisions before adjusting and lifting the facial tissue. (2, 3)

During a traditional facelift, the surgeon will adjust the skin and the SMAS layer of facial tissue, while those receiving a deep plane facelift will also have the subcutaneous fat and deeper skin levels adjusted. After repositioning the tissue and achieving the desired effect, Dr Frati will remove excess tissue and close the incisions.


Patients will receive post-operative instructions from Dr Frati detailing how to best take care of themselves after their facelift procedure. Recovery requires that patients take time away from work and other social commitments to focus on their recovery. The full recovery period differs slightly between these two procedures, as the deep plane facelift requires a more extensive recovery but more impactful results.

Patients recovering from either procedure will likely experience some swelling or bruising around the treated area, with these symptoms gradually subsiding on their own within several weeks. If needed, effects can be managed through the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications. Many patients find that they can return to their jobs after 2-3 weeks of downtime once their swelling has started to diminish, but they should consult Dr Frati regarding any potential questions or concerns.


The results of a facelift, both traditional and deep plane, are long-lasting with effects for both easily being seen for up to a decade. The results of a traditional facelift often last between 5-10 years (1) compared to a deep plane facelift, which can last for 10 years or more. Because a normal facelift does not address the deeper retaining ligaments or underlying facial structures, the results of a traditional rhytidectomy may not last as long as these deeper layers of tissue continue to age. A deep plane facelift may also offer more natural-looking results as the entire deep facial structure is repositioned as one unit. (2)

Cost of a Deep Plane and Traditional Facelift in England

The cost of both a deep plane facelift and a traditional facelift can vary from patient to patient as each treatment is fully tailored to help address each patient’s unique, individual concerns. Anaesthetic, additional procedures and the degree of correction can all factor into the total cost, making it difficult for our team to accurately quote before each consultation.

At each patient’s consultation, Dr Frati will provide a written quote to each patient after performing a medical examination and establishing their fully custom treatment.

To start discussing the cost of your procedure with Dr Frati, please call our London office at +44 20 3633 2619, our Manchester office at +44 16 1327 2139, or contact us online.


  1. Raggio BS, Patel BC. Deep Plane Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545277/
  2. Yang AJ, Hohman MH. Rhytidectomy. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK564338/
  3. Caplin DA, Perlyn CA. Facelifts: A Contemporary Perspective. Missouri Medicine. 2024;107(3):195. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6188335/
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