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Breast implant replacement surgery

Breast implant replacement surgery: Breast augmentation surgery can be a life-enhancing procedure for many people. It can enhance confidence and a feeling of wellbeing as well as help someone feel more feminine and sexy. It can help to balance the proportions of the body, make clothing fit better and generally make someone feel better about themselves. If you’ve had a previous boob job, you would have been advised that implants have a shelf life and aren’t life-long companions. They are most likely going to need to be replaced within 10 to 15 years and this is for a number of reasons

Breast implant replacement surgery

Change over time

As our bodies change and age over time, we can gain or lose weight, the skin can become less elastic (causing breasts to drop down) and we may even experience a change in the shape of the breast implants over time.

This can lead to the desire to replace the implants and perhaps at this point, have either a change of size of implant (increasing or decreasing) or an uplift procedure at the same time, to restore the perky appearance of the breasts and to make them more proportionate to your body shape.

Quality of implants

Those patients who had PIP or older style implants may wish to replace them with newer, safer and more reliable products.

Dr Frati only uses medically-approved gel silicone implants which are less likely to rupture or leak, unlike liquid filled implants. Health issues can arise from poor quality implants and therefore, if you are in any doubt, check with your original surgeon what your implants are made of and whether a replacement surgery is necessary.

Personal feelings

Some people find that over the years, their tastes and desires for a particular body shape have changed.

They may have had a larger implant originally (which can in itself cause issues with ‘boob droop’ and even back pain) and wish to reduce the size of their breast implants, or even remove them altogether.

This is something you can discuss with Dr Frati to get the best advice possible on how to improve the appearance of this area and what can be done for the best results.

Your breast implant replacement surgery

Removing past breast implants can have its complications and it’s important to have a thorough examination and consultation with Dr Frati before embarking on this procedure.

Potential problems can include:

• Bleeding
• Infection
• Hematoma
• Fluid accumulation (seroma)
• Skin loss
• Risks with anaesthesia
• Numbness of the breasts or surrounding areas

Make sure that you are having any surgical procedure for the right reasons and are fully aware of the risks involved. Dr Frati is one of the world’s leading breast surgeons and will ensure any risks are minimised with his skill and that of his clinical team.

Breast implants can be a superb way to improve your physique, confidence and body image and replacing them later on can restore the same feelings as when you first had your implants years ago.

Dr Frati will ensure you have all the necessary information and knowledge you need before you embark on the procedure to restore your breasts to their former glory and to ensure you have a safe and effective procedure from start to finish.

Contact Dr Frati, one of the UKs leading breast surgeons

Contact us today to discuss your questions, or to book a consultation with Dr Frati.