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How long does a breast augmentation last?

How long does breast augmentation last?: If you are considering breast augmentation which involves placing a prosthetic implant to enlarge and enhance your breasts, you will probably have a tonne of questions to ask your surgeon. One of which may be “how long will the implants last?”. This is a common query for patients as the procedure is something that needs to be deeply considered both in terms of financial costs and general lifestyle implications.

Dr Ricardo Frati is one of the most sought after and experienced breast surgeons in the world and is asked about the longevity of breast implants on a daily basis.

The truth is, there are many factors that contribute to how long your breast implants will last, before you either need or wish to have them removed and replaced. These include the skill of the surgeon and his decision as to how to conduct the procedure.

Not all breast augmentation surgeries are the same and whether to implant under or over the breast muscle is a decision that has to be considered. Not everyone will have sufficient breast tissue for an implant that sits above the muscle to look natural. This is when going under the muscle is necessary. It can mean a longer recovery time and certain factors to consider (such as the proximity of the implant to the chest wall).

Accessing the breast implants if there is a rupture or other unforeseen circumstance can prove more complicated and lengthy than when an implant is placed above the muscle.

Implants used in breast augmentation

Other factors to consider are the type of breast implant that is used in your enlargement or breast uplift. Traditional liquid (saline) implants tend to offer a less natural look as well as being less durable. They are also at more of a risk of rupturing, which means the saline will leak out of the implant, making the implant ‘deflate’. If this happens, a replacement surgery is needed.

Dr Frati uses gel silicone implants, which have a longer shelf life (15-20 years as opposed to saline implants which have a shelf life of around 10 years). Gel silicone implants also tend to stay in shape if a rupture occurs as the gel is contained within the implant.

Lifestyle factors and your breast implants

Physical changes in the body such as dramatic weight loss or gain, skin laxity due to ageing and events such as pregnancy can mean that you may wish to undergo a replacement breast implant surgery sooner than expected.

As we age, the skin can lose its elasticity and firmness. We also lose muscle tone. This means that the implants can move downwards. When this occurs, a revision, uplift or replacement surgery may be necessary. It’s worth keeping in mind that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes muscle-toning exercise could prolong the life of your breast implants looking ‘pert’ and in keeping with your figure.

Breast Augmentation Manchester and London – Consultation is key

The best way to find out more about your individual requirements and estimated longevity of breast implants for your individual body shape is to speak directly with Dr Frati in a no-obligation consultation, so that he can talk with you at length about the many facets of breast augmentation surgery, your individual morphology and how long Dr Frati estimates that your breast implants will last.

To book a no-obligation consultation with Dr Frati, please contact our team of friendly staff who will be happy to advise and assist you.

Contact us today.