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Although diet and exercise are most commonly used to slim down and tone your body, many people have trouble shedding that extra fat – no matter what they try. Thankfully, liposuction can help you look fit and fabulous when dieting and exercising fail to do the trick.


Ricardo Frati is one of the UK’s most experienced providers of cosmetic surgery, laser, and skin treatments, with clinics located in London’s prestigious Harley Street and in Manchester. Offering a range of innovative procedures for both men and women, today, he’s sharing 5 things you should know about liposuction.


  1. Safe technology – the technology for liposuction has drastically improved over the last decade. It’s now more advanced than ever, meaning it’s easier and safer to help you get rid of that unwanted weight.


  1. Effective – liposuction is a very effective procedure and the results can be seen very quickly. However, it’s important that you lead a healthy lifestyle after the procedure, or you’ll be back where you


  1. Side effects – there will be a lot of bruising from the operation and you will be sore for a while. There may be a risk of infection, as well as a risk of damage to nerves and blood vessels. These are all minimised with advanced technology.


  1. Non-invasive – this means that the surgery is much quicker and easier. The recovery time is also much speedier, so you can return to your normal routine much quicker than following some other surgeries.


  1. Who can get it? – anyone can get liposuction providing they are healthy enough to have the procedure. It’s recommended that you get liposuction if you’re within 30% of your ideal body weight. Surgeons will make sure you have realistic expectations for your body after liposuction.