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Breast reduction surgery for a more confident ‘you’

If you have large breasts that are out of proportion with the rest of your body, you may be experiencing feelings of self-consciousness. Many people might think that having large breasts is a virtue, imagining the busty film stars and TV personalities with perfectly pert boobs, but if you are one of the millions of women who have a larger than normal bust that don’t fit in to this category, this may be the furthest from your thinking.

Having large breasts can cause physical pain as well as emotional upset. They can lead to back and neck pain as well as sore rashes and sweating underneath the flaps of skin. Poor posture can also be a problem for those with larger busts, not to mention the unwanted attention that they can bring as well as restrictions when it comes to undertaking favourite sports or exercise regimes.

Many women think that there’s nothing that can be done and having large breasts is just a fact of life that has to be put up with. At Dr Frati’s clinics in London and Manchester, we know only too well that is definitely not the case.

Mammoplasty, or breast reduction surgery is an effective surgical procedure that can change the lives of those who undergo the treatment. Dr Frati offers mammoplasty as part of his treatment portfolio as a fully-qualified, highly-experienced cosmetic surgeon who has appeared on television and as a renowned lecturer at many cosmetic conferences around the globe.

To know if you are suitable for mammoplasty and indeed, any surgical procedure, it’s important to follow a set of protocols to qualify your suitability. These include attending a consultation and examination to talk about your expected results, check your medical history as well as to make sure that this particular operation will suit your anatomy and general health. The next protocol is to allow you to go home after your initial consultation and make an informed decision regarding your surgery. Having any surgical procedure is a big decision and needs to be made without coercion from the surgeon. Dr Frati’s role is to give you as much information as possible, so that you can make the decision to have the surgery for yourself and with a suitable cooling off period, following your consultation. Further consultations are always possible, if you have more questions or are unsure about anything discussed in the initial consultation. You must never feel under pressure to rush to make this decision.

If you decide to go ahead with the surgery, our team will be on hand to take you step-by-step through the entire process.

The mammoplasty surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic and can take between 2 and 4 hours. It’s advisable to expect to stay in hospital overnight and to enlist someone to drive you home the next day, so you can rest and recover without worrying about how you are going to take your journey from the clinic.

The techniques that Dr Frati uses will depend on your individual physiology and his decision on how he will give you the best possible results. As Dr Frati has performed thousands of mammoplasties, his knowledge on the various protocols and methods is extensive. This means that you’ll get the most natural results with the least amount of downtime possible.

The recovery time you experience will depend on your individual case, the methods that Dr Frati uses in surgery and your dedication to follow guidelines on aftercare and recovery. Dr Frati will advise you on how much time to take off work and which activities to avoid after your treatment and for how long. You’ll most likely need to make a follow up appointment with one of our nurses to have a post-op examination as well as stiches removed. You’ll also need to wear a supportive bra (such as a sports bra) for between 4 and 6 weeks after the surgery, to encourage healing and support you whilst you recover.

As mammoplasty is the only real solution to reduce the size of the breasts as tissue is removed surgically from the body, you’ll experience the results immediately. However, there will be a period of swelling and tenderness and this can be managed with pain relief. Your final results should be seen around 8 weeks following the surgery. Scarring tends to fade significantly after 12 to 18 months post-op.

Dr Frati has changed the lives of thousands of women who have suffered both physically and emotionally due to enlarged or misshapen breasts and continues to perform hundreds of mammoplasty’s every year. The change in not only your body but your general wellbeing following mammoplasty can be one of the most enriching and satisfying experiences you will go through for your self-improvement. Dr Frati and the team here in London and Manchester are passionate about patient care and the superb results that leave our patients happier and more confident, for life.