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Tummy tuck surgery – what to expect

Tummy tuck surgery – what to expect: Most of us have the desire to have a flat and toned tummy.

With popular trends for ‘killer abs’ or ‘washboard stomachs’, much focus is now on having an enviable midriff. After having children, losing excess weight or if we want to fight some belly fat that can’t be lost with diet and exercise alone, tummy tuck surgery could be a suitable treatment, in order to trim and tighten this area.

Dr Frati performs thousands of abdominoplasty procedures from our London and Manchester clinics; we aim to give you all the information you need to decide on whether a tummy tuck procedure is for you.

What is tummy tuck surgery?

A tummy tuck comes in 2 forms: Partial and full. A partial tummy tuck, also known as a mini-tuck is suitable for those patients with minimal amounts of tissue to be removed. It involves a small incision across the lower abdomen and doesn’t require muscle tightening or bellybutton repositioning.

The full tummy tuck surgery addresses larger quantities of fatty tissue and excess skin. In this procedure Dr Frati can also tighten the muscles as well as reposition the belly button if required.

Abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction or Vaser surgery to obtain the best results and in some cases, can sculpt around the stomach muscles for a ‘six pack’ effect.

Your tummy tuck consultation

The technique Dr Frati will use and the options open to you for additional treatments during surgery in a no-obligation consultation.

This is a vital part of your patient journey with us, as it allows Dr Frati to speak with you at length about your concerns and discuss your expected results. He can also check your medical history and examine you, to ensure that you are fit and healthy as well as suitable for the procedure.

Any surgery needs to be carefully considered and you will need to know all the facts about the procedure, aftercare and recovery as well as any possible side-effects, so that you can be confident that you are making an informed decision about whether to go ahead with the surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery

Abdominoplasty is performed under a general anaesthetic and can last for a few hours. You will probably be required to stay overnight in hospital and in some cases, you may need 2 nights to recover. The procedure is suitable for both men and women and of late, more men have started to consider this surgery to increase confidence and to kick start a more healthy, active lifestyle to maintain results.

Book an appointment in our nationwide clinics today

For more information about tummy tuck surgery, call our team of friendly and supportive clinic staff to discuss the treatment and to arrange an initial consultation with Dr Frati.