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Why is breast enlargement still the most popular plastic surgery?

There are hundreds of reasons why you may be thinking of having a breast enlargement. You may want to restore the shape and firmness of your breasts after childbirth, the ageing process may have taken its toll on your breasts and you wish to bring them a youthful fullness once more, or you may have experienced the loss of one or both of your breasts after cancer treatment and wish to restore your confidence with breast enlargement surgery. One thing is abundantly clear – breast augmentation is still the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the UK.

In most cases, the cause of desire for breast enlargement is that the patient has naturally small breasts. In some cases breasts can also be visibly different and asymmetric, which is a problem when choosing clothes and can affect confidence and self-esteem.

Over time, the breasts can lose their elasticity, firmness and perkiness. This can cause the breasts to droop or sag.

To avoid surgery in the first instance, many women look for alternative solution. There are several products in the market that promise to offer breast enlargement without surgery. Lotions, tablets and special underwear promise to allegedly fix the situation. Some recommendations include physical exercise. Unfortunately none of those methods will have lasting results and could end up costing you a lot of money finding this out. Long lasting, significant results can only be achieved with breast enlargement surgery.

Things to know when considering breast enlargement surgery:

The modern prosthetic breast was invented in 1961 by the American plastic surgeons Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow. It was manufactured by the Dow Corning Corporation in due course and the first augmentation mammoplasty was performed in 1962. Breast enlargement procedures have been declared safe and usually there are no major complications. A key factor in a safe procedure is the experience of the surgeon. Mr Frati has performed thousands of breast enlargement surgeries over a course of decades.

What risks are involved?

There are always calculated risks involved with all surgical interventions and anaesthesia. However, a skilled surgeon such as Mr Frati as well as highly-trained, professional clinical staff to support you following your surgery will dramatically decrease any, unforeseen issues that could arise. It’s important to choose the right surgeon and clinical team for any elective surgery.

It is also your responsibility as a patient to assist with your recovery and to ensure optimum results. That includes avoiding smoking, taking heavy exercise following a surgery and doing anything that could compromise your new breasts as well as your general health, following the surgery.

Your surgery, aftercare and any, potential risks will be discussed thoroughly during your consultation with Mr Frati.

In summary, silicon breasts that are natural in size and placed by a skilled surgeon such as Mr Frati look extremely natural and have no effect on general health. Furthermore, studies have shown that improvement in a patient’s appearance by undergoing breast enlargement surgeries can have a significant effect on improving the confidence and wellbeing of that patient. Perhaps this is why breast enlargement surgery will never go out of fashion.

Are you interested in breast enlargement surgery? Make your first step to a more confident you and come for a consultation with Mr Frati to discuss your options for treatment.